State Representative 

Jeanine Notter

Represents Out-of-State Polluting Industry Interests

Not NH Citizens' Interests

This is Merrimack's NH State Rep Jeanine Notter unwittingly offering fossil fuel industry propaganda to the Merrimack Town Council.

Representative Notter has been gifted travel, lodging, and food worth over $20,000 since 2018 by Koch Network front groups including ALEC, Americans for Prosperity, Young Americans for Liberty, and Heartland Institute.  She gets reimbursed by these groups for trips to events around the country where she gets tricked into ignoring fossil fuel pollution. 

She receives fossil fuel industry pamphlets, talking points, and out-of-state polluter bills that she brings back to the NH State Legislature and the Merrimack Town Council. Then, as NH House GOP Whip, she tells all Republican Representatives to vote for her polluter bills!  She sits on the House Science, Technology, and Energy Committee so they trust her, but that trust is misplaced.

This scam is increasingly costly for New Hampshire citizens and businesses.  How do we know it is a scam?  The industry has played a two-faced game of deception that was exposed long ago by investigative journalists and academic researchers.  Representative Notter is still being tricked by it.

Still not sure?  If you see Representative Notter, please ask her:

This information is provided by concerned citizens and is not affiliated with any candidate, party, or political committee.
This is a volunteer effort to help voters make more fully-informed choices.
Paid for by Mary Beth Raven of Merrimack, NH
9 Four Winds Road